yoga nidra

Yoga Nidra, or "psychic sleep", is a transformative practice developed by Swami Satyananda Saraswati, founder of the Bihar School of Yoga. Rooted in the ancient tantric nayasa technique, Yoga Nidra guides practitioners through different states of consciousness, offering profound support for managing stress, anxiety, depression, and insomnia—issues common in today’s fast-paced world.

According to yogic philosophy, we experience four states of consciousness:

  • Jagrit: the waking, conscious state

  • Sushupti: the subconscious, including dreams

  • Nidra: deep sleep, often equated with the unconscious

  • Turiya: the transcendent state, a pure state of witnessing

Unlike traditional seated meditation, Yoga Nidra is practiced lying down in shavasana, allowing the body to rest fully as the mind remains receptive, absorbing each guided cue on a subconscious level. Yoga Nidra gently leads us through the first three states of consciousness, gradually cultivating a witnessing awareness.

While each teacher brings their own approach to Yoga Nidra, here at Yoga Mandir, we honor the traditional methods of Swami Satyananda Saraswati, sharing this practice with our students in its authentic form.

Through Yoga Nidra, we often encounter inner landscapes of our fears and challenges. With a patient, conscious approach, we nurture a witnessing mindset, helping us view our experiences without attachment —— a powerful step on the path to inner peace.

sound meditation + chanting

Picture this: you’re laying in our open-air shala, nestled beside a wetland in a peaceful corner of Palolem, South Goa, surrounded by the gentle sounds of nature —— tropical birds, raptors, hidden critters, and shy grey langurs. With a bit of stillness, you might even catch the faint rhythm of the ocean waves rolling in and out. As you settle into your surroundings, the resonant hum of a singing bowl draws you inward, inviting a deeper silence within and easing you away from the chatter of the mind.

This is the essence of our sound meditation sessions at Yoga Mandir.

Each session flows naturally into mantra chanting, starting with sound meditation to calm the mind and prepare it to receive the subtle energies of the chant. While spirituality is intrinsic to these practices, at Yoga Mandir, we emphasize an approach that is deeply inclusive. Our mantras are drawn from a variety of traditions —— Hindu, Sikh, Buddhist, and Aboriginal, among others — sometimes even inspired by the natural beauty around us.

Through sound meditation and chanting, we create a shared space where every participant can disconnect, feel welcomed, and find stillness in their own way.