yoga teacher training
We offer 100-hour and Yoga Alliance certified 200-hour Yoga Teacher Training Courses. Our courses are for students who are committed to introducing and sharing the discipline of yoga in its simplest and most authentic form with others. These courses are non-residential, and are for those who are looking for quality, without compromising on their budget, and the flexibility and freedom to choose their own accommodation and diet.
Our Yoga Teacher Training covers the curriculum prescribed by Yoga Alliance, including:
Techniques, Training, Practice: Asana, Pranayama + Yoga Nidra
Anatomy & Physiology: Anatomy, Physiology, Biomechanics
Yoga Humanities: History Philosophy, Ethics
Professional Essentials: Teaching Methodology, Practicum
These courses are immersive and demanding. They involve theoretical and semi-theoretical classes that require both your physical and mental engagement. You will be introduced to new terminologies and yogic principles. Your body will be exposed to yoga at least twice a day, which can be overwhelming so it's really important to maintain a good diet throughout the course.
In our view, yoga is a secular discipline, however, there is no denying that it is very much rooted in Hindu philosophy and the philosophy of yoga is a part of the curriculum. Religion, spirituality and our personal beliefs are never pushed on students and we work hard to provide students of all backgrounds and beliefs a safe and inclusive space to develop their yoga practice.
Self Study + Asana Practice
08:00 - 09:00: Yoga Humanities
09:15 - 10:45: Morning Asana + Pranayama
10:45 - 12:15: Break
12:15 - 01:15: Teaching Methodology
01:15 - 01:45: Yoga Nidra
01:45 - 03:15: Break
03:15 - 04:15: Anatomy, Physiology + Biomechanics
04:15 - 05:30: Evening Asana
08:00 - 09:00: Yoga Humanities
09:15 - 10:45: Morning Asana & Pranayama
10:45 - 12:15: Break
12:15 - 01:15: Teaching Methodology
01:15 - 03:15: Break
03:15 - 04:15: Anatomy, Physiology & Biomechanics
04:15 - 05:30: Evening Asana
09:15 AM - 10:45 AM: Morning Asana & Pranayama
Remainder of day TBD collectively with group